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Coach DJ Irons, CLC, Spiritual Development Life Coach

Where do you see yourself in five, ten years? What changes do you want to make and who do you want to become?  Today, I want to be instrumental in helping you create a personal growth plan and a better you!

Typically, when someone is looking to make a change, he or she is faced with many challenges. You may have woken up this morning with a strange feeling in your gut. You are probably tired of the life you’re leading. You want to change your life, but you don’t know how or where to start.

You’re not even sure what needs to change, but you know something has to give...

Your mind is flooded with questions like:

How did I get here? Is this all there is to life and living? How do I find myself again? What am I here for? Do I even have purpose in the earth?

These kinds of open ended questions tend to overwhelm us and don’t lead to any concrete plans on how to make positive changes in your life. As your spiritual life coach I help you get over these hurdles and face your fears. Some people may have spiritual gifts and abilities that they are confused about, while others may feel wounded from their religious upbringings but still want to live a spiritual life. They may not know where to go, what to do, or how to deal with their spiritual identity crisis.

Well I am happy you decided to stop by my site. My name is Coach DJ, and I am here  for you! YOU already know the answers, my job is to help guide you to clarity. I would love to be your accountability partner in UnLeashing Your Gift! Let's Get It!

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"The Most Profound Relationship we will Ever have is the one with ourselves"

I find so much joy in helping my clients reach their highest potential. My intuitive guidance derived from a place of searching for my own divinity and connecting with my Spirit at a soul level and through this transition I have come to know unconditional love for myself and others. THIS is the GIFT I want to share with you!!

Working with a spiritual life coach can reveal your life purpose to you and help you clear out any energetic blocks to living the life that you were always meant to live.  But you MUST do your own work. We are coaches not gurus. While ideas dreams and goals have a valuable place in your life, they are only as good as your commitment to achieving the outcome. I am your guide and your accountability partner. As You do the work you will start to heal the wounds of your past, and move your life toward a better, brighter future, and you will discover that you have a profound purpose and that all of the events in your life have been orchestrated to bring you to your true path. 

 Take a look at all of the services I offer below and let's get started on UnLeashing Your Gift.


There is so much more to your life than the rat race you are experiencing! At the heart of each of us lies something deeper, something more.... Something you are here to do.

Its called Purpose!

  • Are you a single person who feels lost and alone with no where to turn?

  • Are you struggling in your relationships and can't figure out why its not working?

  • Are you in a dead end career and searching for your true purpose in life, while spending your time on things that you know you’re NOT meant to do?

  • Are you  stuck in Procrastination & lack of productivity in your life and/or career goals?

  • Are you finding that no matter what you do you just can't get motivated?

  • Do you need help Finding your purpose?

  • Has trauma from your childhood, rejection, bullying, or molestation been an emotional blockage for you in your relationships with others?

  • Is it difficult for you to express yourself emotionally?

  • Has alcohol or any other substance abuse been a stronghold in your life?? and Are you ready to deal with it ??

  • Maybe you are a PK's "preacher's kid" and you're OVER traditional churches and organized religion but you feel restless because your Spirit craves release?

  • Maybe you are same gender loving and you love Church, But the the church has made you feel unwelcome??

  • Are you wanting to tap into your Spirituality and return to your true self?

  • Or maybe you are a PK {preacher's kid} and have been taught all your life that because you are gay you are "damned to hell?"


Which is why I am so passionate about helping people Reclaim their power, and UnLeashing their Gift. This is your CALL To Purpose! 

I work with all of my clients on a deep, emotional level, to understand exactly what they require out of my services.

 Changing your life’s path for the better

is now possible. Don’t leave it to chance. Get in touch with me to schedule your Free 30 minute consultation today! Let's put together a Plan that works FOR You!


What are tarot cards and how do they work?

Tarot card reading is the practice of using tarot cards to gain insight into the past, present or future by formulating a question, then drawing and interpreting cards. Reading tarot cards is a type of cartomancy

Tarot cards have been around for a long time.  Originally, they were a game (in fact, they are still played as a game in some parts of the world).  A tarot deck is comprised of 78 cards.  A reader uses the tarot as a tool to tap into their intuition + divine the future.  Tarot can also be used as a creative prompt, for self development and more.  It’s quite versatile.

Everyone has “psychic ability” to some degree (just ask any cop who has to rely on hunches!).  This is a natural God-given trait although some of us trust it more than others.  I don’t consider myself any more “special” or “talented” than any one else, I am merely an instrument – tapping into universal energy and giving guidance to those who need it.

For tarot, I not only look at the cards, but I try to sense what those cards mean for the client – the cards have many different interpretations and intuition helps me to feel out which is right for the client.  Two people can have the exact same cards in the exact same layout but it may mean different things.  Intuition helps to sort it out.  Sometimes I also just “get a vibe” which has nothing to do with the cards at all – just what I am picking up from the client. 

Although there is much clarity and guidance to be gained from having a tarot reading, I offer this service as completely OPTIONAL. 

30 minutes with advice from the tarot


45 minutes with advice from oracle wisdom cards


60 minute reading with tarot for love, career, and wisdom from the oracles


"The Sun, The Moon, The Stars, And Tarot Cards"


The way we navigate our inner world - our everyday thoughts, emotions, experiences, and self-stories - is the most important determinant of our life success. It drives our actions, careers, relationships, happiness, health; everything. For example: Do we let our self-doubts, failings, shame, fear, or anger hold us back? Can we be determined, persevering toward key life goals, but just as importantly, have the insight and courage to recognize when these goals are not serving us, and adapt? Are we able to make real and important changes to our habits so that how we want to live and how we actually live, are one and the same.

The roles that a spiritual life coach take on can be very different from those of a standard life coach. A spiritual life coach can walk you through an entirely different set of goals such as discovering the essence of love or being one with the universe. These goals aren’t always easily defined or measured, and they present a whole new task for life coaches. A regular life coach will help you achieve and move forward in life, but they may not help you get the spiritual fulfillment that you are looking for. Spiritual life coaches, however, are experienced with helping people find their sense of peace, love, and purpose, as well as wholeness and appreciation for all there is.

Spiritual life coaches are people who live and govern their lives by spiritual principles and not just every day logic and societal conventions.  They are not conformed to "the material world". They know how to make miracles happen, and they help other live happy, fulfilling lives based on the practices that have worked for them.

Many people might confuse spiritual coaches with religious leaders, but these are two very different things. You don’t have to be religious to work with a spiritual life coach – you just have to be open to deepening your connection with the nonphysical part of yourself, your soul.

The benefits that you can receive from hiring a spiritual life coach are beyond life changing. You will not only grow and expand as a person but also as a spiritual being having a human life experience.
Working with a spiritual life coach will allow you to see your world and your life in a new light. You will become the creator of your life rather than the reactor, and you will learn to make decisions that strengthen your bond with yourself and others. You will learn how to keep peace in your life even when you are surrounded by chaos, and you will deepen your sense of knowing what life and the universe is all about. You will be able to clear your mind and finally understand what you need to become happy, whole, and spiritually in-tune.
Most importantly, a spiritual life coach will help you learn to trust yourself and your intuition. They will show you how to break free of any beliefs or practices that no longer serve you and no longer resonate with you on a deep level. They will show you how to use your inner self as a guide so that you can continue to evolve and grow spiritually in every area of your life.

These sessions delve into your innermost feelings, helping you sort out current issues in your life. 

  Get in touch with me to schedule your appointment today!! I would love to become your accountability partner.

Sliding scale prices available for Coaching sessions.

Coaching program are usually on 4 to 6 month plans for best achieved results to living your BEST Life NOW!


  • What is a Birth Chart?

  • What does it mean to me?

  • How does it impact my Life?

When you were born, the sky welcomed you with a throw of the die. Not traditional die, but a masterful throw of ten planets (the sun, moon, and Pluto may not be recognized by science, but they are essential to astrology.) It is this frozen picture in space and time that transcends to represent your personality, characteristics, and general interests.

You're probably familiar with Sun-sign astrology or the "horoscope" you see online that generalizes the current planetary activity for each of the twelve signs. But your horoscope, tailored to you, is actually your birth or "natal chart." This circular diagram—which kind of resembles the Wheel of Fortune spinner—is calculated based on your date, place, and minute of birth. It's a snapshot of where the planets were positioned the moment you took your first breath. No one else would have the same reading as you unless all of these details were the same. And with 250 births per minute worldwide, it's unlikely that you're sharing an identical birth chart with many, or maybe anyone, for that matter.

Understanding the astrological meaning of the planets is much more than a way to help you make decisions. It is a reflection of who you are. It is an unbiased description of the truths about yourself and your needs that you may (or may not) allow yourself to recognize. It is also a reminder of the connection you hold to the Universe.

Interpreting the chart is much like putting a puzzle together. You first need to examine how each planet is operating and how they express themselves and the house location would describe the area of life that each planet is highlighting or most interested in. The Sun position indicates where you light up or what interests you most and you need to know how the Sun operates by examining its sign or personality and if any other planet is supporting or hurting the Sun. If you are not fulfilling the promises of your Sun you would find it difficult to be happy with your life and finding any type of success would be more challenging. You go through the same analysis with each planet in your chart as you begin to uncover the life path and purpose in the horoscope.

 I love offering insight and guidance for my clients by way of reading their natal charts. I believe that astrology is a profound tool for self-awareness and personal growth, and it offers us a clear view into the strengths, challenges, and cycles of our lives. It has been a remarkable gift for me, and I'm excited and honored to share it with you.

I currently offer a few different readings. All of them are done via Zoom, Google Meet, or FaceTime. Just pick the reading that best suits you and then choose a date and time.

Your Astrology of Now Reading

45 minutes @ $75.00

This reading is for you first time clients who want more of a quick hit of insight into your birth chart, as well as to see how this current planetary landscape is affecting you right now. It's a fast and furious session that packs a lot of punch!

Birth Chart Reading

1 hour 20 minutes @ $125.00

In this reading for first-time clients, we will take a comprehensive look at your natal birth chart. Together, we'll dive into your inherent gifts, strengths, and challenges and see how you're working with or against them to make the most of this lifetime. This reading will also offer some insight into what's going on for you right now, the areas of your life where you could be currently putting more focus, and the potential of what could be ahead in the next 3-12 months.

Return Client Check-in

1 hour @ $97.00

These readings are for you returning clients who want a more comprehensive look into what's affecting you and your birth chart right now. It offers insight into the areas of life you could be focusing on, as well as what could be ahead in the next 3-12 months.

Relationship Synastry

1 hour 45 minutes $179

This tpe reading, also known as relationship astrology, involves the comparison of two astrological charts to determine areas of strength and weakness in a relationship. Synastry is a valuable resource for people who want to examine their relationship with another person based on aspects between each person's birth charts.In synastry, the interaction between both birth charts is examined, offering an accurate gauge of compatibility. A basic understanding of birth chart interpretation is necessary before attempting to employ synastry techniques because many of the same principles used in birth chart interpretation are also utilized in synastry. Learn the basics about synastry by using the following guide and discover the weaknesses and strengths in your relationship.

Please make sure that you have your exact birth info (time/date/place) before you schedule with me.

Note that all times are PST so please pay attention to any time differences upon scheduling.

Thank you for understanding that I have a 24 hour cancellation/rescheduling policy to respect my time and yours.


Get back to your balanced self with this unique psychic service. Here, clients will be able to align their minds and souls, getting in touch with their own spirituality.

I am also a motivational speaker of various topics on Spirituality and clearing the Energy Field, to include:

  • The debate over Religion versus Spirituality and how they are an intrinsic dichotomy.

  • Law of Attraction and Manifestation

  • Meditation versus Pharmaceutical Medication.

I teach astrology and how to read tarot.

Contact me today for any panel on these topics and start benefiting from one or all of these Spiritual Development practices and healing services.

Coach DJ Irons, CLC


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'The whole Universe Is Change, We are All one expressed in our own unique Versatile ways.

Coach DJ Irons, #MyIronSharpensIron

Open Your Consciousness, Claim Your Universal Power

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